This post is third in a series of biofilm posts in this blog. If you read either of the last two biofilm posts, you will have a better understanding of biofilms, below are the links if you would like to read them first. Biofilms Infecting our Drinking Water - Biofilms and Dental Health - Biofilms form all around us and are attributed to illnesses and deaths every year. Here are a few stats from Montana State Anniversary. 13,000 - Deaths a year JUST from urinary catheters. 108,000 - Amputations due to diabetic ulcers caused by biofilms. These stats do not account for the other associated impact biofilms have on our health. I cannot overstate the importance of good dental hygiene as it relates to overall health. This oral hygiene is also important in the health of our pets. Consider this. Poor oral hygi...
We are a MA/NH based mold remediation company dedicated to using the best and safest practices. Offering environmental testing services including IAQ (indoor air quality), mold, lead and asbestos. We are leaders in eco-friendly remediation methods. We hope this layperson oriented blog will help serve our community with helpful information. This blog is not medical advice. If you have questions, please consult with a physician. Please visit us at