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Showing posts from 2018

Mold and Food Cravings - Mold on the brain?

    I know I'm going to catch some flack for this statement, but here it goes.  Is it possible mold is behind some of our food cravings? There, I wrote it... I've had this idea for a while and even posed my hypothesis to a medical doctor in my cycling group back in 2017. So why say something now in a public forum? Why not? Given everything I have seen, read and experienced over the last 20 years of dealing with mold issues has lead me to this point. I could be right, I could be wrong, I could have mold on the brain. Let me break it down. We know mold and humans have lived together since day one.  We know these relationships can be situational, parasitic or coexistent.  Examples of each: Situational - We use mold/yeast to make beer, cheese and wine. Parasitic - Yeast infections left untreated can become invasive. Invasive candidiasis occurs                               wh...

Is Neti Pot Use Dangerous? How about Navage, NeilMed? (updated)

 Is Neti Pot Use Dangerous?  How about Navage system or the NeilMed Sinus Rinse or Any Nasal Irrigation System?  The original post was written back in 2008 which only addressed Neti Pots. At the time Neti Pots were gaining in popularity. I was prompted to write the post when I noticed a client's neti pot on the kitchen counter next to a bowl of fruit and a dish of wet cat food. The bowl of fruit had a few overripe bananas which in turn attracted flies. I'm sure the wet cat food also attributed to the fly population. I promptly addressed my concerns with my client, now I'll share them with you. Anytime you put anything up into your sinus cavity there are potentially health risks, mainly the risk of an infection. When used properly, these products can be relatively safe. I know people that swear by their neti pots. Some of these products definitely have a higher potential for risks. Let's go over a few things. Why use them? Most nasal irrigation systems use a saline solut...