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Showing posts from October, 2007

Chlorine Dangers - Swimming Pools

  Health risks from Chlorine exposure are being documented more and more every year.     Asthma in Children Associated w/ Chlorine Exposure A new study published in the Journal Pediatrics found that children who spend a lot of time at indoor swimming pools during their early years are more prone to developing asthma, recurrent bronchitis, and other breathing problems as they grow older, compared to others who do not frequent indoor pools.The researchers believe that harmful gases trapped indoors from the chlorinated pools are to blame for the airway damage. The main culprit: trichloramine, or nitrogen trichloride, is created when chlorine reacts with ammonia, which can be found in the sweat and urine from swimmers. Pediatrics 2007 Jun;119(6):1095-103   A European Study Methods : We have examined the relationships between the prevalences of wheezing by written or video questionnaire, of ever asthma, hay fever, rhinitis and atopic eczema as reported by the Internati...

PUR Flavor Options (flavored water additives) Death Tonic?

     I wrote this post way back in the early 2000's. It seems PUR has now thankfully gone out of business. They even had a water filter that would inject their toxic flavoring into your fresh glass of filtered water. Why even filter it in the first place? Unfortunately now there are other liquid flavor additives and powdered drink mixes currently available which are just as bad. Before you buy such a product, read up on it. Don't trust because it is on the shelf it must be safe to consume. A lot of these products have nasty chemicals in them but since the amount is so low the FDA allows it because it falls under the exposure limit. Well recent studies show micro dosing of almost anything including vitamins and spices show an effect on the body.  Although this original post is dated, it is still a fun read and still poignant. Remember you are what you eat! Original Post This is a little off topic for this blog, however there are a few things that burn my bottom t...